Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 22 - A Letter To Someone Who Has Hurt You Recently

This one is hard, not because it is hard to write a letter to someone who has hurt me, but because I don’t tend to let things like this bother me, I prefer to move on and distance myself from the person.

I am not big on drama, when I find myself part of it I try to get out or resolve it before it blows up into something unnecessary. There is someone who has hurt me, and it hurt so much because of their significance to me and the way they let me down.

Writing a letter will not make me feel any better so I am going to skip this Day, I hope my explanation is acceptable.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Totally acceptable and agreed upon.

I applaud your maturity in matters like this. Life is too short to dwell on hurts and bad feelings. You're a good example!!