Friday, March 18, 2011

Ain’t It Funny

Last night, must have been about 12 am, my friend and I were sitting on a bench at the beach chatting. She was asking for advice and I was offering up advice. Now I know everyone hates hearing the truth when they ask for advice, they just want to hear what they want to hear, but I am not going to B-S them.

She turns to me half my through my load of advice and goes “Dang it Cheryl, how do you know me so well?”.

My response: If I am going to make friends with someone, a friend who I include so closely in my life, I'm going to make the effort to get to know them and learn about them. I don’t want to know 50% of someone, I want to know 100% of them (or at least 97% or 99%). What is the point of having a friend if you don’t know them?

It was a very philosophical statement, I think. Regardless, it is the truth.

Of course, I am aware that not every person I know I will be able to get to know fully and know all their quirks and routines, etc, but the least I can do is try.

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