Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Procrastination is my favourite thing

Dealing with ABCs

A= Available – Sadly, Yes 
B= Best Friend – Rach and Nid.
C= Cake or pie - Cake. Chocolate with icing.  
D= Drink of choice – Wierdly, I love water. But other than that I love the taste of Mountain Dew and L&P, and the best Raspberry and Lemonade is comprised of Schweppes Dry Lemonade and Raspberry cordial.
E= Essential item you use everyday – Toilet paper.
F= Favorite color - Purple.
G= Gummy bears or worms – Sour Gummy Bears, they’re just so cute that you have to eat them. 
H= Hometown – North Shore City, Auckland, New Zealand.
I= Indulgences – Guylian Chocolate Seashells.
J= January or February – January.
K= Kids and Names – Girl, Hadley. Boy, Can’t remember the name right now. 
L= Life is incomplete without? – Someone to w-h-ine with.
M= Marriage date – Refer to “A”.
N= Number of siblings – One older brother, one half older brother.
O= Oranges or apples - Feijoas
P= Phobias or Fears – I am scared of the dark. 
Q= Favorite Quote - “…tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther…” — The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald.
R= Reason to smile - Life.
S= Season - Autumn.
T= Tag 3 or 4 people – That’s a bit unfair, normally you only have to tag one person and then it is there turn to chase you or someone else.
U= Unknown fact about me – It is so unknown that not even I am aware of it.
V= Vegetable you don't like – Brussel sprouts.
W= Worst habit - Procrastination.
X= X-rays – My wrist, my humorous, my thumb.
Y= Your favorite food – Steak, lamb, KFC chicken skin (crazy and gross, I know), Time Out chocolate bars, and many more.
Z= Zodiac Sign – I am a Virgo and for more procrastination I am going to see how much of a Virgo I am.

A Virgo is a:

I have highlighted the similarities by bolding and underlining them.

THE Zodiacal Sign of Virgo commences on August 21st, but for seven days it does not come into its full power until on or about August 29th. From this date onwards it is in full strength until September 20th, and is then for seven days gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign - Libra.
The emblem of Virgo, a virgin holding sheaves of wheat in her hands symbolizes wisdom, garnered in the fields of experience. Like the true virgin, most Virgos are shy and Virgo is also idealistic.
With a Mercury as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are quick thinking and observant. They define pure modesty; they can't bear to be taken care of, they prefer to take care of others.
People who were born in this period are as a rule generally successful in life. They have keen, good intellects, are very discriminating about those with whom they associate, and in all business matters they have good judgment, and are not easily imposed upon or deceived.
They are usually materialistic in their views of life, and analyze and reason everything from their own way of thinking outwards. These people are and attracted to only that knowledge that can be applied usefully. They will happily share this information with anyone, if it confirms their own usefulness in the world, and brings them eagerly out of there shells.
These people can become good literary critics, being quick to see the weak points. They are extremely fond of harmony in their surroundings, have excellent taste about their house and dress, and always want things in good taste, and elegant.
Virgos are usually fastidious about their personal appearance, have a great respect for rank and position, and are great supporters of the law and the law's decisions. They usually develop this skill to improve themselves and their surroundings as they place great pride in tangible achievements. These people may spend part of their lives heading off on detours and then suddenly emerge as someone with a remarkable sense of direction. They can adjust easily to change once they find a way of fitting the new situation into their routine.
They are inclined to become wrapped up in themselves and their own ideas, and often become selfish in the close pursuit of their aims.
These people are more capable of going to extremes in good and evil than any other type.
If they develop a love for money they will stick at nothing to acquire it, and this type is often considered cunning and crafty at the expense of others.
In love they are the most difficult to understand, the very best and the very worst of men and women being born in this part of the year. To people born under this sign love is not dramatic, emotional, or sentimental. Love for them is devotion and will include love of family, friends, and those less fortunate than he or she. There is no pretense involved in how they act or what they say. Marriage is a major commitment; they value their union as both a love relationship and a working partnership. A warm relationship brings out the best in anyone born under this sign because basically they are kind, devoted and very loyal.
Disappointment, however, can harden them into a cynic and a skeptic. Virgos consequently become quite critical with themselves as well as with circumstances, due to the effect of such disappointments on a sensitive and discriminating nature.

Virgo - The Sign of the Harvest Goddess

The people who were born under the sign of Virgo have the strongly advanced analytical mind and all the time trying to glue labels on everything they see. They have sharp feelings of taste, time, hearing and sense of smell. The symbol of this sign is Virgo. It does not mean, that they are pure and sinless . It means that heir amazing abilities to observe allow them to see all the human lacks. Usually they do not like everything that they see, and they withdraw like Virgo.


People born under this sign have difficulty making friends. They won't make the first step until they feel absolutely comfortable with this people. Yet when they do make the effort, these people are capable of achieving extraordinary things. They can find their most lasting friendships with those born in their own Sign, also from April 20 to May 20-27.


In health, as a rule, they are less liable to diseases than persons born in any other part of the year, yet the strange thing about them is that they are always imagining themselves to have every illness that they may happen to read about. They are very refined in their tastes as far as food is concerned, and must have things nicely put before them or they will lose their appetites. Health-conscious Virgo makes an effort to stay physically fit and they don't mind repetitive exercise routines, if they can see achievable outcomes. You enjoy tennis, racquetball, swimming, sailing, fishing, and biking, even though athletically they are not overly competitive. They are extremely sensitive to their surroundings; the least disharmony or annoyance affects their nervous system and upsets their digestive organs. These people have a tendency to have chest trouble, and to suffer from neuritis in the shoulder and arms. If badly mated, or living under inharmonious marriage conditions, they easily fall into ill health or get extremely despondent. They should never drink alcohol, as it seems to be more a poison to them than to any ether class.


Their most suitable colours are all very pale shades and silvery, shimmering materials.


The birth stones, for this period are emeralds, diamonds and pearls. – TAKE NOTE, my birthday is coming up you know!

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