Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It’s coming

Summer is an awesome season. Why? The sun shines. It is generally hot all hours of the day, even though this becomes an annoyance when you can’t sleep due to heat. But you don’t have to worry about wearing tonnes of layers of clothing.

Summer has come to an end.

When I got home from work yesterday the first thing I did was:

Hot drink

Put the jug on so I could have a hot drink as…


…it was pouring with rain outside. Not a nice summer rain,it was freezing winter rain.


While waiting for the jug to boil I got into my “PJs”. I don’t really wear PJs so I just have lots of PJ pants and shorts and just wear men's sweaters with them.

I sat inside my house all night, doing course work and watching TV, before going to bed at 9.30 pm. This last weekend we changed the clocks back an hour for day light savings. It has messed my body clock up completely.

Sure, I can sleep until my normal 6.20ish am, but as soon as I look outside and see pitch black my brain goes “Oh, it must be about 9 pm now, time to start getting tired so you can go to bed in an hour in a half.”

Hopefully, after this weekend, my clock will be back to normal and let me have my extra hour in the evening.

I am welcoming winter with open arms. Not that I really have a choice, Winter is coming.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

I was so totally jealous of you last October when you were entering your spring/summer season.

I'm not jealous anymore. :)

(Love you!)