Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 18 - Your views on gay marriage

Firstly, please note I was very weary about posting what I had written on this topic. I do know it is touchy for many people. However, I did promise to be as honest and truthful as possible.

Secondly, I want to ask, what are your views on same sex partners being married to each other?

My views aren’t always based on what I believe, as my biggest belief is that everyone is entitled to be happy and live a happy life as long as they do not murder others (forcefully and intentionally take another person’s life from them, with the exemption of self defence and Human Rights abiding war). I like to have hope that letting everyone live in a world where they are allowed to be happy will over power their want to commit means acts on others.

I, also, have a very each to their own view on life. If a person chooses to do something that is not something I personally would do, all that matters is that they are happy and they are not forcing what they are doing on me.
“…a person’s a person, no matter how small.” – Horton Hears a Who! by Theodor Seuss Geisel

Two of my friends that I have known since high school are gay. They don’t forcefully push it into my face, but I have no problem with them being gay.

In terms of the age old debate of marriage, which has and still has many different definitions based on ethnicity, religion and culture, it is nice to believe that such a big commitment is taken by two people who love each other and are committing themselves to withstand the test of time.

My views on gay marriage are the same as my view on marriage between two people of opposite sexes. As long as two people are happy, in love and willing to be together forever they should be allowed to spend forever together.

This is an each to their own debate that will continue for many years to come, if not decades and centuries. However, free speech is a human right and it is a very lucky thing to have. It also brings some great debates with it. Let’s keep them friendly and lets keep them happy. I love to hear all different opinions and views.

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