Thursday, May 12, 2011

Day 27 – What’s the best thing going for you right now?

The best thing going for me right now is that I am going to be an aunty to the most amazing little boy in the world in just over a month. It's not a real biggy for most people but I am just so excited about it. Knowing that another family member is being added is so cool. Also, the fact that a human is actually growing inside another is freaking amazing. (note: I do know the process of reproduction, it just amazes me)


Valerie said...

Have I told you before that I think you're going to be the best aunty in the world? Cuz I think you are!

(Will you get to be in the delivery room? It will blow your mind it's so amazing and wonderful!)

Cheryl said...

Thanks Val! And, no I don't plan on being in the delivery room. Not quite ready to see all that just yet :) But I plan on being thewre the second Baby X is born