Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 26 - Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?

Being a teenager is one of the most difficult times in life a person goes through. Your body changes in ways it never has before. Things start happening to you that have never happened before. You start feeling things that have never been felt before, or they feel stronger than before.

You get angry easily, you get sad easily, you get stressed easily. You are scared of what is happening and then all of a sudden it is happening to everyone around you and they are feeling the exact same as you.

When I was a teenager I was one of many that thought it would be easier to not be around anymore. I can't clearly remember my exact thoughts at the time but I was very down on life and on myself.

One day something happened and I realised I wasn't the only one and I realised that there was a way through all the feelings and all the emotions.

Life is amazing - Live it and cherish it!

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