Monday, June 27, 2011

An Era is Coming to an End

It is the end of an era. It is also the start of a new era!

On Friday I will be completing my last day in my current job. When I leave on Friday night I will have worked here for three years and eight days. Seven hundred and ninety one work days. Six thousand three hundred and twenty eight hours. Three hundred and seventy nine thousand, six hundred and eighty minutes. (These calculations to not take into account public holidays, holidays, sick days or lunch breaks - way too hard!).

I am over the flipping moon! Literally so excited to finally be leaving this desk job. No more invoices, no more statements, no more contract renewals, no more ordering, no more sitting behind a computer all day. There are so many things that I will do no longer and I am going to miss it. Just miss it, not want it back. Memories and friendships have been gained over the last three years. I have been through so much with this company and it is starting to become hard to realise that I won't be waking up everyday and going to work where I will have to sit in traffic on the way to work and the way home from work.

In all truthfulness, I am scared. Scared to death about the whats and the ifs. I find myself in trances, day dreaming about these whats and ifs. I catch myself wondering if I have made the right decision. I know I have but you always wonder, right?

Well it is done now! No turning back, only moving forward. This time next week I will be playing and interacting with people nearly twenty years my junior. I will be smiling at there characteristics. I will be laughing at the cute things they will do. I will probably shed a little tear when they move onto primary school. And at the very back of my mind I know I am going to have an amazing time.

 I came across the above picture a few weeks ago and it sums up so much. It is how I have felt for weeks. And I am also glad this feeling will be coming to an end. No more confusion (ha! who am i kidding?) and no more whats and ifs.

It has been time for a change for so long. I am so glad my change has finally come. I hope everyone gets to have their change happen when they need it!

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