Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Well If It Isn't Another Year

Time really does fly! It was only just over a week ago I finished up work for the year and went on Christmas break. Now I'm sitting on my sofa writing my first blog for 2011. Twenty Eleven looks like it has a lot of fun things coming up. And I have had a very relaxing start to it. Christmas 2010 wasn't that shabby either.

This year I'm going to finish my nanny course. One of my New Years resolutions is to be more proactive and more organized. I don't want to be writing my first 2012 entry with my course unfinished. I also have a wall planner that I am going to use. Not for birthdays etc but for planning things, the days I am going to walk in the evenings, doing my course work, cleaning, activities, and the list goes one.

I have had the past eleven days off work, from the 24th until tomorrow morning. It has been so relaxing. After having Christmas at my cousins farm on Saturday my mum flew out to Wellington on Sunday and my brother and I had some friends around for a BBQ, such a lovely evening. It was sunny, there was good food and good company. On the 27th me and a few friends took a short drive a little north to a small town called "Puhoi" (pronounced poo-hoi). Such a quaint place. Old and awesome. We had lunch at this cute little pub, the inside walls are covered in dollar bills from all over the world and different people IDs. We tried going to their little museum, but it was closed. The other days were spent waking up just before or after noon. Watching Dawsons Creek while having "breakfast" and then going out to see friends or having friends around.

Christmas Day was fun! We left ours in the morning and went to my Grandparents for an early lunch. Cutest moment of the day was when I ask my Grandparents how they met and my Grandad looks at my Gran with a cheeky school boy smile and goes "go on tell her" I nearly cried it was too cute. We then all went to my cousins farm for a late lunch/early dinner. There were friends and family. Adults and children. Paddling pools and Dirt Bikes. Lamb and Chicken. Talking and Laughter. Christmas really is the best time of year, no matter what it brings people together.

I am still not quite sure this isn't all just a dream, and if it is, it has been a good one.

Happy New Year!

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." - Oprah Winfrey

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Glad it was wonderful!!