Monday, January 17, 2011

A Trip for Sixty

This weekend gone my mum, brother, his partner and myself flew to Wellington for the weekend. We stayed at my cousins Steve’s house, our usual residence when visiting the family in Wellington.

On the Saturday my mum and I got the train from Trentham, Upper Hut into Wellington City. We walked from the City train station to Te Papa, along the water front. The wind was blowing, one of the many things Wellington is famous for. There were stages where it felt like we had walked a whole block but in reality we had only managed to make it a meter.

At Te Papa we went to the European Masters: 19th–20th century art from the Städel Museum Exhibition. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The majority of the paintings and sculptures were brilliant. There were some where I thought that my four year old cousin could have painted, there were some where I was extremely amazed by the detail and size and just everything about it.


This was one of my favourites and the main reason is because although the male is holding a match to his “already lit” cigarette the match is not lit. It is called “After the luncheon” and was painted by Pierre Auguste Renoir.

The main thing I liked about the exhibition was the frames. I love frames. I think the make photos look a thousand times better. I will buy frames without having a photo to put in it. The frames that framed these paintings were brilliant. The craftsmanship was astonishing, the size and quality amazing and all in all some of the best frames I have seen. I would love to own one of those frames, not just for the look but also for all the history behind it.

The actual reason we journeyed to Wellington was for my Aunty B’s 60th birthday. Aunty B is my Godmother and one of my dad’s 8 siblings. She is the third of four sisters, and the fourth of nine children. I love her. On the Saturday evening we went around to her house for a good old Nicolle Family Shindig. There was food and drink, conversation and a bonfire, family and friends. There is really nothing like a good old family catch up and what better way to have one than celebrating a milestone birthday.

It was lovely to get away for the weekend after having just returned to work from the Christmas break. I am glad that I made the most of it and went into the city with mum for the day. I have been to Wellington several times throughout my life and we normally spend the whole time sitting around waiting to go to the family do or driving around visiting family (which I love), but sometimes it is nice to be a tourist.

Happy Sixtieth Birthday Aunty B!

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