Monday, March 8, 2010

An extraordinary time

They always say you don’t know what you’ve lost till it’s gone. They’re right. You do not know how much time you have let people consume of your life until they are gone. How much drama you have let yourself go through until they are gone. It hurts, but sometimes it is just easier to let someone go than to keep trying. Trying to keep them happy. Trying to make sure they are happy. Trying to make a friendship work on their terms.

How did this all happen? There is only so much a person can take until they decide it is not worth the time, the energy or the lack of sanity.

This may seem like a very deep and dark post. But it feels excellent to write in all down. The added relief.

Other than that I have been having a very nice time lately. I have applied for a position at my work that I would love. It is pretty much an entry level position in the area, but it would be an excellent stepping stone and amazing experience. I have caught up with quite a few old friends and been to some lovely parties.

I promise to give a better update later.

Later Days!!

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