Monday, August 22, 2011

How Far Did I Run?

I made a goal, I didn’t complete it.

I did not run one thousand kilometres in one hundred days. I did, however, run over seven hundred more kilometres over the last three months than, than I have (basically, ever). I feel good. So good! Exercise really is a grand thing. I am going to continue to exercise, more than I was previously.

On Wednesday, I walked to work for the first time. The walk was around fifteen minutes each way and was a fabulous way to start and end the day. One of my work mates is moving into my brothers old room soon, so we will be able to walk to work together on the days we start at the same times.

So, how far did I run? I am not to sure. I started losing count, when I forgot to fill out the exercise journal I had started. Before losing count I was up to near six hundred kilometres.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

I wish I could run, but I have two BIG reasons hanging on my chest why I don't. I don't relish getting black eyes each time I go out. :)