Friday, October 3, 2008

The weird week

This week has been weirdly strange.
It started on sunday -
After being out on the saturday night until 4am(due to daylight savings) on sunday, I was woken by my friend at what I thought 10am. She kept telling me that I had to be at heres in less than an hour so we could get to lunch on time. I kept thinking, "this can't be right, its only 10am" - I tried to tell her that and then afterwards I just felt stupid. So after rushing througha showing and getting ready, I got in my car and went and picked her up.
The day ended up going off without a hitch. All of us took a nice drive out into the country to go have seafood chowder at her mums house, sitting out on the deck on one of the best days we have had so far this spring.
Then all week I have just been out of sync. My dad's started a new job and he's working later now. So by the time he gets home with the car that I am allowed to drive, I am way to tried from being at work all day so I just end up lying on the couch watching t.v.
So it wasn't until Wednesday when my cousin came round that I actually went out. I was nice.
And last night, thursday, was even better. I went shopping with my mum and bought two pair of pretty cool heels.
So really what I am trying to say is that daylight savings messes up your internal clock, and I hate it. I might move to one of those crazy countries that don't paticipate in daylight savings, and have summer all year round. Please if you know where this is tell me... hehe!

And Sister Carey the massage thing is amazing, not all employers have it as a perk, but mine does and I love it :D

1 comment:

Chelli said...

I need a massage RIGHT NOW!! We leave for Disneyland in (as Adam says) "Two sleeps" and I'm so tired from all the preparations. So, enjoy your Friday massage for me.
I didn't know NZ did Daylight Savings. I agree it's kind of a pain, but I like the fall change because we get an extra hour of sleep. In the US, Arizona doesn't do daylight savings.... if that helps.