I finished reading it on Tuesday. How many ways can you say amazing? It doesn’t matter because no matter how many ways there are, The Hunger Games is all of them, and then some.
Being a bit of a Twi-hard and a Harry Potter Geek (both of which I like equally), I didn’t think I could like anything more than the two. That was until I started reading The Hunger Games! I was hooked from the beginning of the book. I started the second book straight after, but I have had to put that on the back burner as I am meant to be working on an essay and teaching plan at this moment. It is very possible that I managed to read the first book so fast due to the fact that I was doing less school reading and more personal reading.
Not only have I read the book, I have also seen the movie. Some of the changes annoyed me, but they all fit and kept in the very important information. I was crying at one point.
Back to that essay I go.
Happy Easter! May you remember that it’s not actually just about chocolate!